The course prepares students for careers in a growing care industry.

Curriculum Outline: Key Stage 4
Curriculum Outline: Key Stage 5

Health and social care at Key Stage 4 is designed to work alongside GSCE courses to allow students to apply their academic knowledge to everyday work and concepts. About 3 million people work in the health and social care industry and together they count for 1 in 10 of all paid jobs in the UK. The award gives learners the knowledge and technical skills to understand the health and social care environment and what is expected in this sector.

The various units of work are taught by experienced professionals in nursing, care, education and life skills. All Post 16 students in Health and Social Care undertake work placement throughout the course.

There are also other links with outside agencies, care homes, day centres, health improvement centres to assist with specific units of work.

Our aims:
  • For every student that studies health and social care to feel like an aspiring professional in their field using subject vocabulary fluently.
  • To know how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and be able to guide others on how to improve their lifestyle to be a healthy one.
  • To develop the ability to manage their time effectively allowing them to plan, meet deadlines and produce work that meets a consistent high standard to help them succeed on the course.

Characteristics of Health and Social care:
  • Coursework.
  • Exam technique.
  • Interacting with health and social care environments and situations.
  • Key vocabulary.
  • Analysing health data of an individual.
  • Making recommendations.
  • Knowing how people develop and factors that affect this.
  • How to cope with life event.
  • Building of self-image and self-esteem.

The key knowledge we want students to understand is:
  • the development of key skills that prove their aptitude in health and social care such as interpreting data to assess an individual's health
  • the process that underpins effective ways of working in health and social care, such as designing a plan to improve an individual's health and wellbeing.
  • the attitudes that are considered most important in health and social care, including the care values that are vitally important in the sector, and the opportunity to practise applying them.
  • A knowledge that underpins effective use of skills, process and attitudes in the sector such as human growth and development, health and social care services, and factors affecting people's health and wellbeing.

The key concepts and skills::
1 Human Lifespan Development
  • Apply information on how people develop and the factors that affect development to celebrities.
  • To assess how people, copy differently to the same life events and how these can affect people.
2 Health and Social Care Services and Values
  • To research services that are available in the local area.
  • To assess barriers and ways to overcome these.
  • To demonstrate care values and how best to treat vulnerable people.
3 Health and Wellbeing
  • To assess what can affect someone health and wellbeing.
  • To analyse a person and create a plan to improve their health and wellbeing.

The way we will assess our students:
  • Students will complete progress points that show understanding of topics before coursework sessions.
  • Coursework will be marked in line with BTEC guidelines and students will be allowed one resubmission of what they have submitted.
  • Peer and self-assessment will be used to help develop answers for exam questions.
  • Examination will be externally marked.

We would like students to have the following experiences outside of the classroom
  • Watching documentaries about health and social care.
  • Work experience preferable in a health and social care setting.
  • Volunteering.
  • Reading the news and following health and social care stories in the media.
  • Reading journals such as the nursing times.

The course is enhanced by work placements at appropriate times and in a wide variety of settings.

Department Staff
Staff Role
Miss S Hargreaves Head of Department
Miss A Blott Teacher of Health & Social Care
Miss F Daffurn Teacher of Health & Social Care / Deputy Headteacher
Mrs A Scott Teacher of Health & Social Care / Head of Post 16
Mr T Williamson Teacher of Health & Social Care