Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)
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- Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)
At Macmillan Academy we are passionate about the inclusion of children with special educational needs and disabilities. We work closely with parents/carers, school staff and a range of agencies to ensure that every student can achieve their personal best and fulfil their potential.
High quality teaching, with scaffolding for individual pupils, is the first step in responding to students who have or may have SEND. A team of Learning Mentors work with teaching staff to support students in fully accessing the curriculum alongside their peers. In addition, timely small group interventions are offered to ensure that all students with SEND make progress.
Support for students with SEND begins in Year 6, through close liaison with primary schools, and extends throughout a student’s time at school. We offer enhanced support at transition phases with additional guidance for the options process and support with making choices at the end of Key Stages 4 and 5. Staff at the academy take great pride in ensuring that all students with SEND go on to positive destinations.
The Learning Support Base provides students with SEND the opportunity of a supportive environment at social times in addition to a personalised curriculum and help with homework when required. Students with SEND may be offered the Academy Alternative Pathway provision if this is identified as part of their package of support.
The SEND department is committed to ensuring that all students have the opportunity to access extra-curricular enrichment opportunities, supporting staff running clubs, activities and trips with advice and additional staffing where appropriate. We foster strong links with local authorities and with support agencies and the Educational Psychology Service, who assist us in developing our expertise.
For more information on the SEND department please see the links below:
Key Staff
and Designated Teacher for CLA
01642 800800
and Designated Teacher Support Officer for CLA
01642 800800
(Teaching and Learning and responsibility for SEND)
01642 800800