On 13th March, Year 9 students were invited to participate in an event run by the Language organisation 'Routes into Languages' which was led by students and lecturers from Northumbria University

On the afternoon of Thursday 13th March, approximately 90 Year 9 students were invited to participate in an event run by the Language organisation 'Routes into Languages' which was led by students and lecturers from Northumbria University. The programme, designed specifically for Year 9 students, aimed to promote language learning and encourage students to think about their future 'global' prospects.

The roadshow comprised two taster sessions in Chinese and Greek, an interactive session with student ambassadors to discuss employability and an interactive activity based on cultural awareness. The Year 9 students acted as fantastic ambassadors with their excellent behaviour and participation and many left school chatting in Chinese and Greek!

Please see the many links on the MFL blog for further news on languages and careers as well as the language specific sites where you can improve your proficiency in a huge number of languages.

"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart." Nelson Mandela

A British Chambers of Commerce survey published in June 2013 found the shortfall in foreign language skills in the business community was hampering UK exports. The BCC said re-balancing the economy towards net exports was vital for the success of the UK economy and called for more support for firms looking to trade overseas, while encouraging the take-up of foreign languages - both in school and in the workplace.